होमMotivational QuotesIn English40+ Best Motivational Quotes in English

40+ Best Motivational Quotes in English


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1. Motivation will only get you started, but a habit is what keeps you going.

2. Readers are leaders.

3. Hope is a waking dream. Quoted by Aristotle.

4. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.

5. When you fall harder, you bounce higher.

6. Hope is the heartbeat of the soul. ~Quoted by Michelle Horst.

7. Until you stop trying, you’ve not failed.

8. Our destiny is defined by our decisions.

9. Begin from where you are. Use what is available. Do all you can.

10. You create your future from your present.

11. To Earn, you must first Learn. Learn how to remove the ‘L’.

12. By strength shall no man prevail. Amateurs built the ark. But, professionals built the Titanic.

13. He who desires friends, must first himself be friendly.

14. Men are born to succeed, not fail. ~ Quoted by Henry David Thoreau

15. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Quoted by Unknown.

16. Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.

17. He who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

18. You must first believe you can succeed before you can.

19. The journey of life is like riding a bicycle. You always have to keep moving to keep your balance.

20. What brings and doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger.

21. There will be no songs in your heart some days but sing anyway.

22. Let your hopes shape your future.

23. Learn from yesterday… live for today… And hope for tomorrow.

24. Everything you’ve done is not as important as to what will you do now.- Quoted by GBATISTE

25. People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. – Quoted by George Bernard Shaw

26. Teach your mind to see the good in every situation.

27. If you can conceive it, you can become it.

28. Perfection is not attainable, but in the chase for perfection, we can catch excellence.

29. When You Value Yourself, People have no option but to value you too.

30. Hard work is better than talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

31. If you can dream it, then you can do it.

32. Don’t just watch the clock move; do what it does.

33. All you need to change is will.

34. Don’t ever give up!!!

35. The beginning is always the hardest, so don’t ever give up.

36. If you want to be the best you must first learn how to handle the worst.

37. Whether you think you can’t do it, or you think you can, you’re always right.

38. A human mind is a powerful tool. Fill it with positive thoughts, and your life will positively change.

39. The future only belongs to people who believe in the power of their dreams.

40. To be successful, you must know something everyone else doesn’t know.

41. If you desire your life to be meaningful, you’ve got to get up, go out there and do something about it.

42. Success is the sum total of all small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

43. You can never beat the person who never gives up.

44. The key to all success is action.

45. Everything is possible only to them that believe!

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57+ Best Motivational Quotes in English

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