HomeEnglishWorldArchaeologists found 1600 years old ancient mysterious female skeleton buried in israel

Archaeologists found 1600 years old ancient mysterious female skeleton buried in israel

Mysterious skeleton found in israel: Archaeologists have got a 1600 old mysterious grave in Israel. In which a woman had a skeleton. Archaeologists were surprised to see this skeleton, because the woman who was buried in the grave was worn in 4 heavy rings in her arms, legs and necks. Apart from this, iron plates were also installed on her stomach, which was covering the woman’s body like a armor.

Archaeologists were buried this woman’s crab under a church altar in 3 kilometers north-west from Old City in Jerusalem. Please tell that the honor of burial under the altar was given only to the most respected people.

Khirbat al-Masani site was excavated in 2016-17

A team of archaeologists of the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) excavated in 2016-17 on the Khirbat al-Masani site near the Ramat Shlomo area of ​​Jerusalem. During this time, he discovered this mysterious skeleton. It was still in iron captivity when archaeologists discovered this skeleton.

According to IAA reports, it is possible that this woman is responsible for her torture herself. It is mentioned in many historical sources about the extreme practices of self-realization in the Bijantin period. According to these practices, heavy chains, metal rings or wearing stones were included. Also, fasting for a long time, closing yourself in a very small room or cage, removing yourself from sleep, exhaling the body to the natural elements and jumping into the fire.

First a man’s skeleton, the woman discovered and the woman came out

When archaeologists got this skeleton initially, it could not be known about the penis. But experts admitted that it could be a male skeleton, as only two other known cases of that time were men and were discovered in the levant area. However, when the new discovery of the skeletal teeth was revealed later, the whole story changed and it was found that it is a woman’s skeleton, which is potentially a nun.

According to the report by The Times of Israel, IAA excavation director Zubair Adavi said, “We discovered in 2 parts of the Byzantin Math. One of these included several rooms and one courtyard. The church had 3 semi -circular structure. We discovered the middle structure. Under the altar, we found three crabs and one of it found the skeleton of a woman wrapped in iron rings. ”

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