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Know what is darul uloom haqqania, which is called the university of jihad

Darul uloom haqqania: At least six people have died in a suicide attack in a religious school in Pakistan. This is called ‘University of Jihad’. This explosion took place in the mosque located inside Darul Uloom Hakania in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Among those who died were Hamid -ul -Haq, the head of the school, which was associated with the Taliban. From here, Taliban founder Mullah Umar has also received education. Let us know what is Darul Uloom Hakkania and why is it called the university of Jihad?

Established in 1947

Darul Uloom Hakkania is located in Akora Khattak, about 55 km from the northern city of Peshawar. There are about 4,000 students who are given free food, clothes and education. The school was established in 1947 by Sheikh Abdul Haq, who received education from Darul Uloom Deoband Madrasa located in Deoband, India. This madrasa, established in 1866, was the place where the Deobandi movement started. It advocated returning to the basic principles of Islam.

After the partition of India, followers of the Deobandi movement spread throughout South Asia and established madrasas teaching Islam. Meanwhile, Abdul Haq established Darul Uloom Hakania on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. This school soon became one of the most famous religious educational institutions in the region. This school soon became an important educational center of Deoband ideology.

Change in 1988

Darul Uloom Hakkania did not come to the headlines until the 1980s. According to a TRT World report, after the death of Abdul Haq, his son Samee Ul Haq took command of the madrasa in 1988 and started spreading the idea of ​​Jihad. After this, Taliban leaders were trained here, who could fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. After this, both Pakistan and the United States used this school for recruitment and training of rebels opposing the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Know who has studied from here

The alumni of Darul Uloom Hakkania are Mullah Umar, the founder of the Taliban and Jalaluddin Haqqani, who established the Haqqani network. Asim Omar, the leader of the South Asia branch of al-Qaeda, has also studied in this school. According to a report by the Washington Post, after the Soviet Union left Afghanistan, the madrasa maintained their relations with the Taliban leaders, who captured Kabul in the mid -1990s.

The report said that in 2001, after helping the United States to oust the Taliban government from power, the madrasa prepared several rebels who fought against the US -backed government of Afghanistan. Due to these reasons, Kame Ul Haq came to be called ‘father of Taliban’. After his assassination in 2018, his son Hamid -ul -Haq took command of the madrasa and he died in the explosion on Friday.


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