President Donald Trump on Russia-ukraine war: The White House press secretary Caroline Lewitt said on Saturday (February 22), “US President Donald Trump is confident that in this week, a long -running war will be abolished by establishing a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.” This has been said about the first round conversation of senior officials of Washington and Moscow in Saudi Arabia, however, Kiev was not invited to this important meeting.
Caroline Levit told the media, “At this time the President of America and his team are focusing on their conversation to end this struggle with both sides. President Trump is very sure that we will end this war in this week. “
Trump and Putin’s conversation with European colleagues
A meeting of American and Russian officials in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh to end the long-released Russia-Ukraine war has worried European allies and forced them to stand in favor of Ukrainian President Volodimir Jailonsci . The behind his fear is from President Donald Trump’s inclination towards Moscow. Apart from this, he also feared that this peace talks would be without participation of Ukraine, which will benefit Russia.
What did President Trump say on Ukraine’s participation,
In an interview to Fox News, US President Donald Trump said, “It is not necessary for Jailonsky to join this peace talks because they make it difficult to compromise.” Trump said, “I don’t think it is as important for him to be in this meeting.” He has been a part of this for three years. “
However, Trump later also said that Jailonsky and Russian President Vladimir Putin would have to meet Russian and Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Announcement of date for the second round of war break
Apart from this, Trump has announced the second round of peace talks between the delegations of the US and Russia. In a statement to the public service network C-Span (C-Span), Trump said, “The second round of talks for the ceasefire will take place on February 25 in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh.”